
2009年2月2日—OnedoesnotsimplyredirectusingjQuery.jQueryisnotnecessary,andwindow.location.replace(...)willbestsimulateanHTTPredirect.,2011年1月20日—Youcan'tredirecttoafunction.WhatyoucandoispasssomeflagontheURLwhenredirecting,thencheckthatflagintheserversidecode ...,RedirectaWebpage.ThereareacoupleofwaystoredirecttoanotherwebpagewithJavaScript.Themostpopularonesarelocation.hrefandlocation.,Inth...

How do I redirect to another webpage?

2009年2月2日 — One does not simply redirect using jQuery. jQuery is not necessary, and window.location.replace(...) will best simulate an HTTP redirect.

How do I redirect with JavaScript? [duplicate]

2011年1月20日 — You can't redirect to a function. What you can do is pass some flag on the URL when redirecting, then check that flag in the server side code ...

How To Redirect to Another Webpage

Redirect a Webpage. There are a couple of ways to redirect to another webpage with JavaScript. The most popular ones are location.href and location.

JavaScript Redirect to a New URL

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use JavaScript to redirect to a new URL or page.

JavaScript Redirect

2023年8月7日 — A JavaScript redirect uses the programming language JavaScript (JS) to send users from one URL to another. You can use a JS redirect to ...

Redirects - 重新導向的資安漏洞們(中篇)

... Redirect 有什麼毛線關係? 請看一下範例: const url = new URL(; const redirectParams = new ...

【物件導向】跳轉網址插件- javascript系列課程Days

load(URL) ); Redirect.msg( 預設變數Href_Url: + Redirect.load(Href_Url) ); Redirect.msg( 跳轉前可輸入訊息).JumpURL(Redirect.load(Href_Url) );. 複製 ...

用JavaScript 重定向到一個網頁

JavaScript JavaScript Redirect. JavaScript 使用 location.href() 重定向網頁; JavaScript 使用 location.replace() 重定向網頁; JavaScript 使用 location.assign() 重 ...

重新導向與Google 搜尋| Google 搜尋中心

JavaScript location 重新導向; Crypto 重新導向; 網址 ... 設定JavaScript 重新導向。 請只在無法 ... # Permanent redirect: Redirect permanent /old https://example.